02 Jun A Fond Farewell from Peter Gardner
As this is my last week at EPE I would like to share these thoughts.
In 1986 Peter Deetman took a chance on a young bloke from Melbourne and gave me a job when I am sure he somehow had his doubts about me. Happily, any doubts were allayed quite quickly and we got on with the job. Peter mentored me and I well remember the lessons he passed on, the care he took in ensuring the details and facts were always correct, i’s dotted and t’s crossed. The fine details were important to Peter and I understand why! As I showed interest in the whole operation of the then three businesses Bruce Deetman shared with me his knowledge as well. Peter had their late father John who was well known by a lot of workshops around Perth take me to meet a lot of these customers. With my mechanical, electrical and welding background I began to cement my place in the company as a knowledgeable and valued employee.
As time went by opportunities at the company presented themselves and Peter and Bruce by then had the confidence in me to allow me to step up to the Sales Manager role as it became vacant. Our customer base by then was well acquainted with me and I always did my best to offer everyone the same level of customer service for everyone whether they spent $5 or $5000.
When the time came that Peter Deetman wanted to retire from the daily business operation he and Bruce entrusted me to take on his role in the capacity of General Manager and later Managing Director.
I had the opportunity to be involved with the planning, building and fit out of our current facility at Bibra Lake which was a whole adventure in itself.
Over the years I have worked with many wonderful people, the Staff at EPE, Suppliers to EPE, Customers of EPE and importantly the owners of EPE, Peter and Bruce Deetman. The good times have far outweighed any not so good times and I have always felt that my work was the one constant in my life. I have been through the ups and downs of life during my journey at EPE and seen families started and grow, including my own. I am proud to have been a part of it, to have been of service to Peter and Bruce during these years and to have been an integral part in the company’s growth and to part of an iconic Perth Business.
I am confident that EPE will continue to deliver the high level of customer service and quality products that we have become renown for under Mason Deetman’s leadership, and I wish Mason every success.
My sincere and humble thanks to everyone that has made this 36 year journey what it has been and to everyone that has wished me well for the future. I hope this isn’t a goodbye, but more like see you later. It’s the people that made working at EPE worthwhile. I wish nothing but the best for you all. I hope our paths will cross again.